When Is COVID-19 a Disability? Courts Tackle Issue in Bias Cases

By on November 3, 2021

A Pennsylvania federal judge recently allowed an employee to move forward with a discrimination lawsuit after her employer terminated her following a positive COVID-19 test result. According to this Bloomberg Law article, the judge noted that COVID-19 could be considered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA); however, it’s unclear if the ADA also protects infected workers before they display long-haul COVID-19 symptoms. McDermott Partner Brian Mead said the employee’s presentation of long-haul COVID-19 symptoms (including loss of smell and taste) was also key in the judge’s ruling.

“The difference between having a cough or a substantial lung impairment is the difference between being covered by the ADA or not covered,” Mead said.

Access the article.

Brian Mead
Brian Mead is an employment litigator and transactional advisor. He leads McDermott’s Trade Secrets and Restrictive Covenants Subgroup. Clients call upon him for his substantial experience prosecuting and defending employee mobility, restrictive covenant and trade secret litigation cases across various industries including private equity, healthcare, professional services, technology and manufacturing. Read Brian Mead's full bio.




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