Dexter Golinghorst

Dexter Golinghorst focuses his practice on health law matters, providing regulatory and operational advice to traditional healthcare providers, industry innovators and other healthcare and life sciences clients. Dexter also assists in transactional matters, performing due diligence, drafting and reviewing agreements and providing counsel on compliance matters for mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and other strategic transactions. Read Dexter Golinghorst's full bio.
HHS OIG Develops Toolkit to Analyze Telehealth Claims to Assess Program Integrity Risks
By James A. Cannatti III, Amanda Enyeart, Marshall E. Jackson, Jr., Tony Maida, Lisa Schmitz Mazur and Dexter Golinghorst on Jun 13, 2023
Posted In Employee Benefits, Health and Welfare Plans
The US Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (HHS OIG) recently unveiled a new toolkit that seeks to help analyze telehealth claims for federal healthcare program integrity risks. It is based on methodologies highlighted in OIG’s September 2022 data brief; the data brief identified billing practices by Medicare providers that...
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OCR Issues Proposed Rule to Modify HIPAA Privacy Rule to Include Explicit Protections for Reproductive Healthcare
By Stacey Callaghan, Jiayan Chen, Caroline Reignley, Scott Weinstein and Dexter Golinghorst on Apr 20, 2023
Posted In Digital Health, Employee Benefits, Health and Welfare Plans
On April 12, 2023, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking detailing its proposal to modify the HIPAA Privacy Rule (Proposed Rule). The Proposed Rule comes as a part of the Biden administration’s response to the US Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s...
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Pandemic Response Accountability Committee Report Highlights Telehealth Program Integrity Concerns
By James A. Cannatti III, Tony Maida, Lester Perling and Dexter Golinghorst on Jan 18, 2023
Posted In Digital Health, Employee Benefits, Health and Welfare Plans
On December 1, 2022, the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) Health Care Subgroup issued its report on fraud, waste and abuse risks that arose as a result of the dramatic increase in telehealth services provided during the COVID-19 pandemic. The PRAC was created under the CARES Act to oversee the historic spending that was part of the...
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