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Will the Biden Administration Upend Workplace Law?

Joe Biden’s ascendance to the presidency not only spells doom for many of the Trump administration’s business-friendly employment policies; it also may place established tenets of federal labor law on the chopping block. Biden may bring with him to the White House an ambitious pro-labor platform aimed at giving workers and unions a leg up after four years in which the Trump administration moved the legal needle sharply in employers’ direction.

A recent article in Law360, featuring McDermott partner Ron Holland, outlines four areas that labor and employment lawyers should watch after the Biden transition.

Access the article.

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Germany Enacts Law on Mandatory Quota for Women in Business

On 6 March 2015, the German Bundestag passes a law (the Frauenquote) that aims to ensure the equal participation of women and men in the management of business and public office. The Frauenquote entered into force on 1 May 2015. The new regulation, although commonly referred to as a “women’s quota” is legally constructed to ensure that both genders are represented by as many individuals as necessary to meet the mandatory statutory minimum quota.

For more about the mandatory quota including the main effects, obligations and sanctions for infringements, read the full article in International News: Focus on Private Equity.

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