Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans
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NQDC Complications and Best Practices

A nonqualified deferred compensation (NQDC) plan is a powerful employee benefits tool. However, NQDC plans can create complications for plan administrators and participants. In this PLANADVISER article, Brian Tiemann and Lisa Loesel highlight several potential NQDC plan pitfalls and offer strategies to mitigate these hazards.

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IRS Issues Long-Awaited Initial Guidance under Section 162(m)

On August 21, 2018, the IRS issued guidance regarding recent statutory changes made to Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code. Overall, Notice 2018-68 strictly interprets the Section 162(m) grandfathering rule under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Public companies and other issuers subject to these deduction limitations will want to closely consider this guidance in connection with filing upcoming periodic reports with securities regulators. Further action to support existing tax positions or adjustments to deferred tax asset reporting in financial statements may be warranted in light of this guidance.

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Are Your Executive Compensation Arrangements Safe from the New Disability Regulations?

Beginning April 1, 2018, new disability claim regulations may apply to some executive compensation arrangements. Given this pending regulatory deadline, employers need to analyze which of their executive compensation arrangements may be subject to the enhanced requirements for disability claims review.

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Recent Case Opens Door to Civil Enforcement Claims for Negligent FICA Tax Withholding

A District Court in Eastern Michigan recently rejected a motion to dismiss a participant’s benefit claim, holding that an employer legally could be liable to a participant in a nonqualified deferred compensation plan when the employer did not properly withhold FICA tax in the manner most advantageous to the participant. As a best practice, plan administrators should scrutinize any participant communications or claim responses because they can open the door to estoppel claims under ERISA.

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