Dr. Gudrun Germakowski

Dr. Gudrun Germakowski advises on all individual and collective aspects of labor and employment law. She focuses her practice on counseling in the field of complex severance processes and in negotiating with employee representatives (works councils and unions) in individual and restructuring projects. Gudrun also concentrates on advising clients in relation to contract design, with a particular emphasis on international assignment of employees, as well as developing and implementing compensation systems and company car arrangements. Read Dr. Gudrun Germakowski's full bio.
German Employment Law Update | Holidays Without Borders? European Court of Justice Rules That Workers Cannot Automatically Lose Holiday Entitlement
By Dr. Gudrun Germakowski, Dr. Sandra Urban-Crell, Dr. Thomas Gennert and Volker Teigelkötter on Dec 13, 2018
Posted In Employment
On November 6, 2018 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) passed judgment on two German cases (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften eV v Shimizu [C-684/16] and Kreuziger v Land Berlin [C-619/16]) concerning untaken paid annual leave entitlement. The ECJ ruled that accrued annual leave entitlements cannot be automatically forfeited if the worker does not place...
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Rights of Job Applicants in Germany
By Dr. Gudrun Germakowski and Dr. Sandra Urban-Crell on May 29, 2014
Posted In Employment, Labor
The German Federal Labor Court made a very clear ruling regarding job applicants in Germany who are not offered the position for which such applicants applied. In the Federal Labor Court’s view, a rejected applicant has no right to know whether another applicant was offered or accepted the position. (Federal Labor Court, verdict dated April 25,...
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